• The News and Media Networking and Collaborative Platform

    Designed For The Press

    Pitch stories to editors, find freelancers, fill assignments.

    Coming Soon 

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  • free copyright  Roger H Gou

    The Pitch Place

    A one-stop shop for freelance journalists to pitch to commissioning editors, and the place where editors can find journalists on location whenever and wherever breaking news happens.


    Editors can manage their freelance teams using collaborative editing tools.


  • Who

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    Have stories?

    Photojournalists, radio, TV, print and multimedia, stringers, freelancers and correspondents looking to find new audiences for their stories or collaborators can find, follow, connect, discuss, exchange, pitch, work, showcase, and loads more!

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    Need stories?

    Find freelance journalists on location, receive pitches tailored to your publication's needs from a vast network of professional reporters.

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    Public Relations

    Need to share?

    Use our network to advertise your press releases!


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    Make some noise!

    Send editors and journalists your news!


  •  What's the story?

    A global news and media networking platform designed specifically to help journalists connect, find and post job offers, pitch story ideas, and cover breaking news from anywhere.

    The Pitch Place will offer journalists with breaking news and feature story ideas a one-stop shop for finding the editors interested in your content.


     Has this ever happened to you?

    Have you ever pitched a story idea to the wrong editor? Waited days with no feedback? Have you ever chased an editor, by following up on an email pitch with the hope that maybe they really did miss seeing that first email? Received a hard "no" only after it was too late to pitch a different editor?


    Have you worked really hard with an editor on a project you are both super satisfied to see go to print, only to not get paid, right away? Have you ever had to chase the editor's HR department asking, "When is my check going to arrive?"


    With The Pitch Place, journalists can pitch photographs, multimedia, broadcast/video, short and longform print, and radio stories with confidence, provide editors a deadline for responding and, when given an assignment, know that the payment is ensured through an escrow account. That means the payment will transfer within five days of the story being published.


    Need a freelancer to cover breaking news?

    Have you wanted to cover a breaking news event, but didn't have a freelancer or staff journalist already in place to cover it? Would you like to expand your coverage in a way that aligns with your budget? Are you seeking new story ideas?

    Commissioning editors can use The Pitch Place to find freelancers anywhere in the world news is happening and hire qualified journalists to cover the story ideas you want to see published.


  • Register

    To get updates when we launch the Beta version this Spring.

    Don't be afraid to reach out. Become one of our Beta testers.

    You + Us = Awesome!

  • Testimonials

    Thanks to all our pre-registered users for their supportive and positive comments!

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    "The Caribbean islands are Ground Zero in the biggest story of our lives: Climate change. The Pitch Place assures the editors of the Caribbean Compass that its astute readers - sailors and landlubbers - will find intelligent reporting and writing on this crisis."

    Elaine Lembo, Editor in Chief of Caribbean Compass

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    "The Pitch Place looks like it could be the solution that harassed editors are looking for to ease their commissioning headaches.

    It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find the correct writer at the right price for an assignment amid the morass of noise and information out there, so I am delighted to see The Pitch Place has set up as a credible solution to the issues many editors face."

    Andy Cooper, Editor, Coast Magazine 

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    "I have been wondering forever when on Earth someone was going to invent this, a much needed tech solution to creating a marketplace for editors and writers!"

    Deirdre English, former Editor of Mother Jones Magazine and faculty at UC Berkeley J-School

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    "The Pitch Place is there to help solve two major problems freelance journalists face: selling their story ideas and getting paid in a timely manner once the story is published. The Pitch Place is also there as a key resource for editors looking to find journalists on location when they need a story covered fast."

    Charles Thouvenot, Director of the French-American Chamber of Commerce in West Florida

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    "What I love about your venture is that you found a very clear problem and are finding a solution."

    Constance Mitchell Ford, Professor at the University of Maryland - Philip Merrill College of Journalism
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    "The Pitch Place is such a cool concept!"

    Betsy Rate, Director of Career Development at UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism

  • The Pitch Place is a proud participant of the following:  

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